Why You Should Make Chiropractic Care a New Year’s Goal

Chiropractic care can help you achieve your health goals

Why should you make chiropractic care a New Year’s resolution or goal? Excellent question, we’d love to tell you!

Chiropractic care is not solely about pain relief. While that is a big part of what we do, a bigger and more important part of chiropractic is maintenance and wellness care.

If we can help keep you from being in pain in the first place, we want to!  Not only can regular chiropractic care help prevent flare-ups and help speed up the recovery time if you do have a flare-up, but it can also assist you in your overall health goals.

From being more active, improving your overall health, eating better, working on your mental health – these are all things that chiropractic care can help you with to achieve your goals.

Spinal Health Goals

When your spinal health is maintained, you are better able to be active and do the things you want to do.  Preventing or addressing pain is the best way to allow you to be more active.  We live such sedentary lives, so making time for additional movement is critical to your health, but having restrictions in your spine or joints can make this more difficult to achieve.  Chiropractic care can help you!

Overall Health Goals

Maybe your focus is your overall health this year.  That’s great! Did you know when you have spinal misalignments (subluxations), it affects the nerves that branch off the spinal cord through the spine?  These nerves control your bodily functions. When those nerves can’t function correctly due to interference caused by subluxations, your body is not going to be able to function properly, thus affecting your overall health.  Chiropractic care can help you!

Eating Better Goals

Is eating better a priority for you this year?  Good for you! We love that and we’d love to help.  Our doctors can provide suggestions for healthier eating and foods to eat to help reduce inflammation in the body.  We also carry several high-quality supplements that can help fill in the gaps for vitamins that are harder to get by just healthy eating alone. Also, there are several nerves that when irritated by spinal subluxations, can affect your digestive system.  Chiropractic care can help you!

Mental Health Goals

Is this the year to focus on your mental health? Mental health is important, and we are proud of you for making it a priority! Did you know getting adjusted can have a calming effect on your mind and body, and it can even help reduce stress.  This is something we’ve touched on before. Cervical adjusting can help regulate the sympathetic nerves that are responsible for things like the brain’s fight-flight-freeze response.  We also know that some common ways anxiety and depression can be expressed physically include fatigue, inability to sleep, muscle tension, headaches or migraines, aches and pains, the inability to relax, etc. And you guessed it, chiropractic care can help you! Also, we’d like to point out, we are always an empathetic ear if you are struggling. You are not alone, you do not have to fight alone, and the world needs you here. Please don’t forget that.

Lastly, we would like to say, we are so thankful for all the patients we’ve been able care for in 2024.  We welcome 2025 with open arms, excited to see what the year holds for our office and for our patients.  There is no greater joy for us than being able to help you achieve your health and wellness goals, not only for the year 2025, but for a lifetime. Thank you for being here, and we can’t wait to see where 2025 takes you! Happy New Year!

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