Let It Snow – Tips for Safe Shoveling This Season

Woman shoveling snow with red snow shovel

Let It Snow – Tips for Safe Shoveling This Season

Happy December!  Whether we want to admit it or not – winter is here and with it comes that (dreaded by some, loved by others) four-lettered word: SNOW.  We all know that shoveling snow can be a very physically demanding job.  Here are some tips to help you avoid injuring yourself this winter.

Safe Shoveling Tips

First, make sure you have the best tool for the job.  Your shovel should be light weight, and the handle should come to chest height to decrease forward bending.  It should have a smaller blade to encourage less snow being lifted at one time.

As you’re shoveling, keep your feet hip width apart and your front foot close to the shovel.  Keep your weight on your front foot and use your legs to help push the snow.  That’s another key: PUSH the snow instead of lifting it, if possible.  If you do have to lift it, keep your knees bent, tighten your stomach muscles & lift with your legs while keeping the snow load close to your body.  Also, for the love of all that is frozen, do NOT TWIST your body to throw the snow.  Turn your feet in the direction in which you want to dump the snow instead.

Be sure to pace yourself.  The snow’s not going anywhere, so listen to your body.  If you are having shortness of breath, difficult breathing, chest pain, nausea, or sweating – STOP immediately.  Make sure you take breaks and rest frequently.  Try to stay at a rate of no more than 15 scoops of snow per minute.  At this rate, shoveling should not be maintained for longer than 15 minutes at a time and should be followed by a 15-minute break. You’re working hard, you deserve that break.  Stay hydrated, dress in layers, and wear appropriate footwear – these are all important as well.

Don’t be bested by the snow this year; maintain regular chiropractic care to keep yourself in prime snow-shoveling condition.  Be sure to follow these tips to avoid unnecessary injuries during this most wonderful time of the year.  Stay safe, stay warm, get adjusted and shovel on, friends!

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