Summer Fun Needs Chiropractic Care

It feels like we spend so much of our time wishing and hoping for nicer, warmer weather.  With summer finally upon us, we can start enjoying those fun outdoor activities like biking, swimming, playing outdoor sports, camping, going to fairs, gardening, trips to the zoo, vacation, amusement parks! So many fun things!  It’s an enjoyable & busy time of year, no doubt. So how does summer fun relate to chiropractic care? Let’s take a look.

As you are enjoying these wonderful and full months of summer, we don’t want you to neglect your health.  “But I’m outside & I’m being more active and therefore healthy; I simply do not have the time,” you say?  Well, we say chiropractic care is just as important this time of year, if not more so.

Consider, it’s a beautiful day and you’re out for a bike ride with the family. The sun is shining, birds are singing, everyone is having a great time.  A few miles in, however, you notice some clicking and popping in your knee as you’re pedaling. It’s really starting to hurt. Ouch!

Perhaps your kids have been busy playing their summer sports and they’ve started complaining about back/leg/should/elbow pain. It hurts when they’re playing and it’s seriously throwing off their game. What a bummer!

And now that you’ve spent all day watching your kids play their summer sports, YOUR back is hurting from sitting on the bleachers or in a lawn chair all day.  You feel like you can’t stand up straight and you’re walking like you’ve aged 50 years. Yikes!

Maybe today’s the perfect day – it’s warm, there’s big fluffy clouds in the sky with a slight breeze, and your family is enjoying a fun-filled day at the zoo or the amusement park.  You’re having the best time, but after being on your feet all day, your whole body is feeling achy and sore. Not to mention, you’re feeling a little beat up after getting tossed around on that one roller coaster. Ugh!

Oh look, it’s vacation time! You’re driving or flying to your destination, which means sitting for extended periods of time. You’re excited to stay in a hotel, but the pillows just aren’t like the ones at home and the bed is a little too hard/too soft.  But that’s OK, because you’re doing all the activities and having the most fun! Now it’s time to head back home, back to reality, and you’re noticing your neck really does hurt from the weird pillows. Come to think of it, your back is a little sore from the different bed.  Actually, all of you hurts from traveling. Uh-oh!

Do you see why you shouldn’t let your maintenance chiropractic care lapse during the summer months?  We know how busy life gets as it finally becomes nicer out.  Be sure to make time to care for your & your loved ones’ spinal health.  Maintaining a well-functioning spine will help you avoid some of the aches and pains that can come with summer activities.  Regular chiropractic care can also help you recover more quickly if you do happen to suffer from some summer-fun-induced pain.  If nothing else, always remember: a well-functioning spine, free from misalignment and nerve impingement is a spine that will help you to live your very best life this summer.  And who doesn’t want that?

Happy Summer!

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